Thursday, November 10, 2005

Things I'm Pretty Sure You're Dying to Know About Me

1. I love to eat. Seriously. Love. It.
2. I took sewing lessons and it really frustrated me. I haven't sewn anything since.
3. I'm easily discouraged.
4. I love tiramisu.
5. I love food that contains cheese. Or just cheese itself.
6. I try not to eat anything with legs.
7. I'm trying to be a graphic designer.
8. I love watching squirrels.
9. I would cook everyday if I didn't have a full time job.
10. I have traveled to nine different countries.
11. My husband and I eloped in Las Vegas. It was just the two of us, and we had a blast.
12. I was terrified to tell my parents. When I did, I think my dad was relieved.
13. I love the movie Zoolander. "The files are IN the COMPUTER?!?"
14. My sister and I own our own company. We make jewelry. We used to sell it at Whole Foods.
15. I hate clowns and mimes---"climes" as the Go Fug Yourself women call them.
16. I have 4 pets in a 1143 square foot home. About 4 too many, but I love them all.
17. I want another guinea pig.
18. I hate hunting.
19. I'm too judgmental.
20. I'm always thinking of ways I can move out of Texas. The summers are too brutal.
21. I've never been to Washington D.C.
22. I LOVE Edward Norton. I love him, especially in Fight Club.
23. I've never had a one night stand. I kinda wonder what it's like.
24. I would love to stay at home, but I don't really want kids.
25. I'm insanely jealous of people who love their jobs.
26. I love the color red.
27. My husband is hot. Seriously. I think he could model.
28. I have a big ass.
29. I don't mind my big ass, but I could do without the cellulite.
30. I've never had a cavity until I turned 30. Now I have 2.
31. I hate unexplained wetness on countertops. Really badly. It makes me feel icky.
32. I am always right. Ask my husband.
33. I don't get Survivor.
34. Cashews are my favorite nut.
35. I don't think I'm aging well.
36. I once had close to 90 pairs of shoes.
37. I love the phrases "Bite Me", "Shut It" and "Eat Me".
38. I wonder what a two week vacation would be like.
39. I smoked for 10 years.
40. I prefer email to phone calls.
41. I hate it when people use "we" instead of "you". (How are we doing today?)
42. Sometimes when I look at our dogs, I cry about their former lives.
43. I thing Jennifer Connelly is absolutely beautiful.
44. I loves me some Matthew Fox.
45. Don't know how people live without DVR.
46. My Grandma was a country bad ass. You didn't mess with Grandma.
47. I think most people generally act like asses.
48. Jack Black is strangely sexy.
49. I have always felt like I will get breast cancer. Don't know why.
50. I have a hormone disease.
51. It makes me tired.
52. Hence the name of my blog.
53. I love heels, but I hate what they do to my feet.
54. I've had laser hair removal done.
55. I want more of it.
56. Laser hair removal, that is, not hair.
57. I hate golf and I'm glad my husband doesn't play it.
58. There's a guy that speed walks on the hike and bike trail. He freaks me out.
59. I hate it when people let their dogs walk off a leash at any time.
60. I secretly want to dance all the time. More specifically, tap dance.
61. My mom always told me I'd regret quitting piano lessons. She was right.
62. My dad could win a Trivial Pursuit championship. That dude knows everything.
63. My stomach is one of my favorite body parts.
64. My thighs are my least favorite.
65. I love yellow cake with chocolate or buttercream frosting.
66. I hate my neighbors, you know the ones.
67. I want to bitch slap Clay Aiken.
68. I want to make out with JD from Scrubs.
69. I wish Ryan Seacrest would just come out already.
70. I wish Star Jones' husband would come out already.
71. I have never worked for a man.
72. I don't really want to. I don't take direction from men very well.
73. I don't think I'm good at very many things.
74. I wish I could be a doctor sometimes.
75. I hate attorneys.
76. I'm afraid I'll be a terrible mom.
77. I know my mom will be the best grandma EVER.
78. I've had a wrecked truck in the garage for over 2 years.
79. I wish I could live on the beach. In a house on the beach.
80. I have found so many cool people on myspace.
81. I'm ready for a nap right now.
82. My husband and I gutted two bathrooms ourselves.
83. I am working towards getting certified to teach pilates.
84. Fall is my favorite season, although we don't have much of one here.
85. I have a slight addiction to the Orange Passion tea from Starbucks.
86. I love having garage sales.
87. I love Harry Potter.
88. I love hair bands, especially Poison.
89. I hate my skin.
90. I'm so-so on my hair.
91. My sister is my best friend.
92. I never get tired of meeting new dogs.
93. I love gay men a lot. LOVE THEM.
94. Jack and Karen on W&G were the best characters. Nothing like a queen and his hag.
95. My parents have been married 38 years. I have been married 2.
96. Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit are my favorite board games.
97. Spades is my favorite card game.
98. I never liked Disney World. It's creepy.
99. I love having a tan even though I know it's bad.
100. I'm done.


Blogger Kristi B said...

You are funny!
My hubby and I (okay, call us dorks) wrote Life Lists---100 things you'd like to do in your lifetime---long before we were married. Every 5 years or so, we go back and check in on our progress (we're doing okay, not great, funny how things change). It was amazing to see how similar they were when we first wrote them. I married me a keeper. Love the list. Keep 'em comin'.

7:52 PM  

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